Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Search for the True Tzaddik (final part)

The value of the gathering of Israel, who hold themselves with the True Tzaddik, with great love and unity, and with the essence of true peace, and who draw onto themselves at all times an illumination of his holy wisdom, and who gather together and meet at all times to talk with each other about the fear of heaven and about the illumination of the holy wisdom that the tzaddik endeavors to shine upon them; this holy gathering is very precious and exalted and through it will be the Redemption speedly in our days and will come the messiah who will repair everything in perfection. Through the truth the world is protected from all destructive forces. The truth redeems from all travails. when there is truth there is peace. Where there is not truth there is not kindness. Through truth one merits to an eternal name. One who guards himself from falsehood always is victorious. Jerusalem will not be rebuilt till there will be peace between all Israel. And the holy temple will not be rebuilt until arrogance dissapears.
I request your forgiveness that I have not yet sent you the holy books. For I was ill and suffered difficult afflictions [G-d spare us] and for sure everything is for the best. Even now I am still very weak. And I struggled with all my strength to write a few Holy words. that have within them the power to sustain and restore the heart. Since the time we parted I have not forgotten you, for your love is engraved in the depths of my heart with great and eternal love. And I yearn and desire to always connect with you as brothers dwelling together. I pray for you always that you will merit to see the splendid light of the holy sun that shines now in the world, and to dispel  and disperse the clouds that darken the sunlight. In a manner that we shall merit to leave the darkness and come into the light, from darkness to great light,,  to the light of the morning that will shine upon us the sun of charity and healing in its wings.
with feelings of honor and preciousness behold I seek our peace and the peace of your dependents.
Yisroel Dov Odesser

my thoughts or discussion questions;

- For sure everything is for the best.

I know this is suppose to be so... But sometimes it is hard to see. My personel situation right now in my life, some of those know what that is..., doesn't seem to be for the best. It seems tough and hard and like a battle to be fought. Somtime its seems we just half to believe it is for the best even if it doesn't seem that way.

-with all my strength to write a few holy words. that have within them the power to sustain and restore the heart.

What does he mean here? Saba's words specifically? I have a friend, also, whose words restore me and give me strength. Are Saba's words specifically what he is talking about here. Like the words of Saba are much higher..?? Or does he mean as a friends words??? Or bolth? Or is it possible that Saba's words are not so much to restore the words themselves litteraly but any such words to restore the soul and heart come from the true tzaddik. Saba zeh Rebbeniu!??

There is alot to be said here in this first bit.. anyone notice anything they want to mention.. I will write more on this peace in a comment later. here is the specific paragraph I am speaking about here;

The value of the gathering of Israel, who hold themselves with the True Tzaddik, with great love and unity, and with the essence of true peace, and who draw onto themselves at all times an illumination of his holy wisdom, and who gather together and meet at all times to talk with each other about the fear of heaven and about the illumination of the holy wisdom that the tzaddik endeavors to shine upon them; this holy gathering is very precious and exalted and through it will be the Redemption speedly in our days and will come the messiah who will repair everything in perfection.


  1. I heard you were looking for a copy of "Israel Saba" in English. If you still need it e-mail me:

  2. "For sure everything is for the best."

    Of course it is hard to see. That's why we are required to have faith. Rebbe Nachman says faith only applies to what we cannot understand. If we can understand something with our rational mind, then that is not faith. It is hard to see when things are all for the best when we are going through troubles, trials, pain, suffering, etc. The foundation of faith is to believe that every single thing that happens in the world down to the smallest detail is all from God, AND is all for our ultimate benefit. (see lessons 4 and 33 in Likutei Moharan, where he really talks about seeing the good in every situation.) I go through troubles and pain every single day. I may not understand how any of this could be good, but at the end of the day I know it is because its all from God. There are hundreds of reasons of why a person may be going through hardships (could be a tikun for sins, could be to wake a person up to make teshuva, could be necessary to lead a person in a certain direction, etc. etc.)
    Rebbe Nachman says "Its a a bug mitzvah to be happy ALWAYS". Not some of the time. ALWAYS!! It's easy to be happy when things are going good. But Rebbe Nachman says we have to be happy always, even when things seem really bad. This shows our true faith in G-d and in the Tzadikim.

    "with all my strength to write a few holy words, that have within them the power to sustain and restore the heart."

    Reb Noson also writes like this in his letters (Alim Terufah). Saba's words are all based on Rebbe Nachman's teachings, which have the "power to sustain and restore the heart". All of his letters to Zalman Shazar were for this purpose, of waking him up and giving him encouragement to come close to G-d through the True Tzadik.

    As for the first part. . . yea, thats the main thing, to get close to Rabeinu and to get close with each other, and help each other out in our connections to the Tzadik and to God. The main time to gather is Rosh Hashana, but any time that Na Nachs get together is holy. In Yitzchak Breiters 7 pillars he writes that this is what it means in Pirkei Avos when it says "Get yourself a teacher and aquire a friend." As friends together you will recieve from this teacher (the Tzadik.)
    "There are no big and no small, we're all friends!"

  3. Wow thanks for the comments, understood :) pz nanach.
